Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Sweater for reasons ♥

Raining again..

look at the forecast

Some times really like 'OMG' when you are having lecture class,
plus raining heavily that time and the air-con is super cold
and main point is you forgotten to bring your sweater :O
Not only lecture class, even meet up with my bestie last Saturday,
we decided to dine inside a shopping center,
and the air condition is super cold,
Just feel wanna go buy a sweater at the moment.
And with the whether recently just make me feel like want to get some sweaters for myself.

Do you guys remember that i had mention last time that a new fashion clothing websites?
and YES is launched now :D
They offer various of pretty clothes at affordable prices :)
Since i want to buy myself some sweaters,
so i had pick some from their websites.

look at these sweaters :D
Each colour has different feelings :)
and is so affordable only RM31 each
Im thinking to get myself blue colour haha
How about you? which colour represent you?

There are also some sweater that i have pick :)
Recently more prefer sweater like this besides of wearing 2 pieces :P

Check out their Facebook page and websites now :)

FB Page:

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